Monday, June 18, 2012


I haven't posted for a while and life at our house has changed drastically!   Not only did we move into a camper for a few months before we move to Kansas City, MO.   Making cooking healthy foods a little more difficult.  We also found out we are pregnant with #4!   And it's a GIRL, after 3 boys!  And she's due in November!   We're all super excited. But with Pregnancy comes the food aversions and cravings and because I wasn't  on a plant diet long enough to get my body use to that lifestyle.  So some of the plant foods are not setting well with me while I'm craving more animal products.   Hoping that I can soon start incorporating more plant foods and less animal.  

This morning my breakfast was fried eggs on sprouted whole grain toast with a little mayo and ketchup. 

Granola has been a common breakfast for me as well, but instead of non dairy milks, I've switched back to dairy milk temporarily till I can stomach the others. 

Our bodies cravings and aversions are funny things!

still trying to drink lots of filtered water.  But here in CA it's now really HOT and makes it hard to stay hydrated.   Thankfully we have AC in our camper!  :) 

Blessings till next time!