Monday, January 9, 2012

It's a brand new Whole Food, Nutrient packed Week!

Hello Monday! I'm so excited for a new week! 
Tomorrow starts my 21 day challenge I'm doing with another blogger!  We'll be doing a lot of juices and smoothies and only one meal a day which has to be 100% plant based food which includes a salad! I think my first salad tomorrow is going to be spinich, avocado and mushrooms, maybe some balsamic vinager and a few Nutritional Yeast flakes for my 'Parmesan cheese'!  

Today though it just a  normal Whole Food Vegan day.  I had Rip's big bowl for breakfast.  See for the recipe!  I put mangos, blueberries, bananas and kiwi fruit on it this morning.  I must say, I possibly won't by mangos again, they're okay in salsa, but they just don't have the right flavor for cereal for me!

I sent a 'Rip's Big Bowl' to work with Brian and for lunch he has whole grain rice spaghetti with power packed sauce!  I made it last night, Brendan, our oldest, gagged on the kale...behind my back....and Brian was laughing so hard, I made them tell me, it was so funny, he didn't want to tell me he didn't like it!  Probably because in the past I got to the point I hated cooking because so many times nobody liked what I made, and it was just normal food!  I was beginning to think I have a picky family!   But this time it was pretty funny!   Most of the time, they do like what I make, and I'm not a bad cook, I've been cooking since I was 13, so I do know what I'm doing!  lol  Just that sometimes every cook makes something that not everyone will like.   It is hard cooking for a family with so many different taste buds.   Our second son, Jadrian is the pickiest, probably, I have a real challenge trying to find things to make that he likes, but I was amazed the other day when I made Rice and Chicken gravey for the boys Hawaiian Haystacks, that he didn't want just rice and gravey, he wanted it all, he has spinich, celery, pineapple and coconut on his!  I was so proud of him!   Thankful he's liking his veggies more and more!

So today is the 4th day and wow, last night I slept so much better!  Jentzen who normally wakes up 3-4 times at night still, only got up once at 3am!   I'm curious if it's because of a more nutritious milk because of the way I'm eating?  I'll find out, I'll see if he starts this every night, then I will know it wasn't just a fluke.

I think Jentzen is getting tired, so I need to put him down for a nap and maybe I'll catch a little nap myself!


  1. Emily,
    I am so proud of you. You really did get prepared for the Challenge! Your inspiration has been a real blessing to me. Thank you.

  2. Marcia, you have inspired me also! Thank YOU!

    I have a couple more people that are interested in Whole Foods, can I send them to your blog for recipes???

    1. Yes, Emily, you sure may send anyone you wish to send to my blog! Sorry I didn't see this comment and question before tonight. "-) God bless.
