Monday, January 23, 2012

Random Thoughts and A Miraculous Healing!

It's been 2 weeks and 3 days since the beginning of my whole food vegan journey.  I won't pretend it's been a piece of fact, it's pretty void of CAKE....but being strong has been worth it!  This weekend was especially hard, I was craving potato chips for some reason.  I stayed out of the bag though!   If it was up to me, they wouldn't be in the house, but my family is not quite up to speed with me yet.   Though I know that our oldest would go for it...the second child is a picky eater and it doesn't help that Daddy goes to the store and brings home junk.....  lol   I do think DH is slowly getting the picture though!  He keeps telling me...after he eats his FRIED CHICKEN!!!  "That was not worth it!"  lol   I hoping that if I just keep going strong that they will continue making wiser choices too!

Yesterday when I was craving those chips....I got out my leftover pizza from Saturday and had that instead and that seemed to do the trick!  

EXERCISE.....  That's the area I'm struggling is a mama of a 6 month old suppose to get any cardio in an upstairs apartment in the winter?  I do have inside stairs I can use, but that gets old....Laundry days help, as my laundry room is downstairs and I'm up and down a lot on those days.

Yoga and Palates are great, just need to make myself do them!   And we're getting ready to move across the states in a couple months, so it's about time to start sorting and packing and getting rid of stuff....that could be cardio! 

Today is the beginning of a brand new goals, new focus, new achievements!  "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me!"

And on that note...I have a praise report to share!   I was the recipient in a miraculous healing this weekend!   Saturday night we were watching our Church in Kansas City, Live streaming online and the Pastors son-in-law, who has a real gift of healing, was speaking on being the hands...going out and praying for people, healing people and touching lives.  He started calling people up who had one leg shorter than the other...setting them on a chair so we could all see and watching God grow their short leg out!   My left leg has been shorter than the right one and we discovered this when I was about 16 or 17.  I wore a lift in my shoe for a while, but haven't for years.  Haven't thought much about it because it wasn't a LOT shorter, even kind of forgot about it, but he jogged my memory and I looked at DH and said....I wish I was there, I'd go up there!  I sat on a chair put my feet both out on a footstool in front of me and DH looked at them...yep, left one was about 3/4 inch shorter than the right. My knees were even uneven!  We continued watching....wishing I was there, when I happened to look back at my feet on the footstool and the left foot was even with the right!  God grew my leg out!  Praise the Great Physician!

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